"When you google Okanagan Design Co, the first thing you see on the website are the words, "Premium Web Design Without The Premium Price". Both of these attributes were very high on our priority list because we are a relatively new business with big ambitions and limited finances.
We could not be happier with the result of our choice to commission our website and hosting to this company! Now, we have a premium website which we are extremely proud to refer people to. The designs are so in line with our vision and ethos, yet Jay was the artist behind all of it. He listened to our vision and came up with exactly what we had in mind and worked with us every step of the way.
It was genuinely a pleasure to work with Jay and watch the website come to life. Since our ethos is 'transparency, fairness and win-win', we do our best to keep our prices affordable, and it is truly a breath of fresh air to work with a company that honours the same values. "